Open source has always been more than software. It describes an ethos, a way of thinking. It’s rooted in the foundations of the internet as Tim Berners-Lee proposed at CERN to develop a way of linking and sharing information. It’s a knowledge economy that is lived by online communities who collaborate to solve the world’s problems and that fosters innovations around the world.
It’s no longer the underdog solution either. Open-source software underpins the global economy and sits at the heart of most core infrastructure. 56 million developers contribute to open source projects around the world and 95% of organizations leverage open innovation practices. Open source may not be immediately obvious to a consumer. Nevertheless, it forms the connections we make with one another, shapes how we work remotely, streamlines the financial industry and how our payments are managed, and enables our smart devices on our wrists and at home. It’s even critical for your car’s safety system functions. Open source is everywhere.
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