Ballerina, which is developed and supported by WSO2, is billed as “a statically typed, open-source, cloud-native programming language.” What is a cloud-native programming language? In the case of Ballerina, it is one that supports networking and common internet data structures and that includes interfaces to a large number of databases and internet services. Ballerina was designed to simplify the development of distributed microservices by making it easier to integrate APIs, and to do so in a way that will feel familiar to C, C++, C#, and Java programmers.
Essentially, Ballerina is a C-like compiled language that has features for JSON, XML, and tabular data with SQL-like language-integrated queries, concurrency with sequence diagrams and language-managed threads, live sequence diagrams synched to the source code, flexible types for use both inside programs and in service interfaces, explicit error handling and concurrency safety, and network primitives built into the language.
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