Last Updated on October 19, 2022
Attend the Data Science Symposium 2022 on November 8
The Center for Business Analytics at the University of Cincinnati will present its annual Data Science Symposium 2022 on November 8. This all day in-person event will have three featured speakers and two tech talk tracks with four concurrent presentations in each track. The event, held at the Lindner College of Business, is open to all
Featured speakers include “the father of the data warehouse”, Bill Inmon, presenting on how to make the data in your lake actually useful.
Stefan Karisch of Amazon will describe some of the innovative algorithms and analytics that enable and optimize the design of the Amazon transportation network.
Ethan Swan will present what ML engineering is, the problems it tackles, and how to think about building the right team.
The Tech Talk sessions will cover a variety of topics:
Integrating Snowflake with Power BI
How to prepare Data Science teams in a recession
Advances in geographic data science for a secure and sustainable planet
Collaboration With Jupyter Notebooks
Data science at Ford
The use of p-values and their limitations in business analytics
The event will be followed by a networking reception.
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