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Migrate JSON data from Oracle’s CLOB to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Migrating databases from Oracle to either Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL presents a unique challenge when migrating JSON data. Oracle CLOB data type can contain both well-formed and invalid JSON, whereas the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB data type requires JSON data to be correctly formatted according to RFC 8259. Therefore, transferring data stored in Oracle’s CLOB data type to JSON and JSONB data type in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL requires a meticulous examination of data quality and integrity. This migration is dealing with both well-formed JSON and invalid JSON data present within the Oracle CLOB data type columns. Invalid JSON often has syntax or semantic errors like missing braces, omitted commas, or structurally incorrect formats, and PostgreSQL will raise an error if you try to insert it into JSON and JSONB column. Successfully migrating these tables means addressing and rectifying these data inconsistencies.

In this post, we demonstrate how to migrate JSON data from Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL by using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) in conjunction with a PL/pgSQL procedure. You can identify and isolate the range of stored invalid JSON data in CLOB columns along with their corresponding primary key values using the method mentioned in this post.

You can use AWS DMS to streamline the migration process; however, you must exercise caution when migrating invalid JSON records stored in the source Oracle’s CLOB column, as the PostgreSQL JSON or JSONB data types will reject invalid JSON. Therefore, the PL/pgSQL procedure highlighted in this post will be a complemented solution. AWS DMS streamlines the migration process, capturing changes from the Oracle source database and replicating them in near-real time to the target Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or RDS for PostgreSQL database. This ensures a smooth transition by transforming and mapping the data between the two platforms.

Solution overview

The following architecture depicts the overall solution in migrating JSON data stored in Oracle CLOB data type columns to Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or RDS for PostgreSQL JSON or JSONB data type columns.

In this scenario, we assume an application or user populates bulk records into the Oracle table. We create a staging table in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL where Oracle’s CLOB columns are replaced with PostgreSQL’s TEXT columns. AWS DMS migrates data from the source to staging table, and the PL/pgSQL procedure further migrates data from the staging table to target table by capturing invalid JSON records. Once the initial load onto the staging table is finished and CDC is ongoing, schedule the procedure according to the delta data sizes.

To implement the solution, we complete the following steps:

Set up AWS DMS.
Generate invalid JSON data into the source database. (This step may be skipped if invalid JSON data is being generated through the application).
Create a PL/pgSQL procedure to capture invalid JSON records.
Use the PL/pgSQL procedure.
Validate the JSON data using a PL/pgSQL procedure.


For a successful data migration from Oracle’s CLOB to Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and RDS for PostgreSQL JSON or JSONB columns, you must meet the following prerequisites regarding setting up AWS DMS and having the right source and target database settings.


Make sure you have AWS DMS set up to meet the following criteria to transfer data from the source table to the staging table:

Ensure that you’ve configured AWS DMS by following the best practices for identity and access management, network for replication instance, and security in AWS DMS. If your architecture uses public traffic, consider implementing VPC endpoints.
Prepare your AWS DMS tasks for the identified tables to handle JSON data migration stored from Oracle’s CLOB to Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and RDS for PostgreSQL TEXT. This configuration captures any invalid JSON records from tables using the procedure mentioned in this post.
Secure your data transfers from on premises with AWS Direct Connect or AWS VPN.

Source database

The source database should have table objects that meet the following requirements for the data transfer process:

An Oracle database table with a CLOB column that stores JSON data
The source table should have a primary key

Target database

The target database should have table objects that meet the following requirements to receive data from AWS DMS and run a PL/pgPSQL procedure to capture invalid JSON records:

Create a table in the target database, whether that’s Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, that matches the metadata of the source table. Although the table name may differ, it’s essential to replace the CLOB column in this table with the TEXT data type. This table serves as a staging area. Its design, using the TEXT data type, allows it to accommodate both valid and invalid JSON records when loaded by AWS DMS.
Create another table in the target database by matching the source table metadata. The table name might not be the same. Nevertheless, replace the CLOB column from that table with JSON or JSONB. This table is used as a final migrated targeted table on Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition by having only valid JSON records stored in the JSON or JSONB data type.
Create logging tables like the following example table for filtered invalid JSON records and the procedure to run metadata:

CREATE TABLE discard_record_log (
tbname text,
range_start numeric,
range_end numeric,
failure_message text,
discard_rec_id_pk_val numeric,
proc_exec_counter numeric

CREATE TABLE exec_history_offset (
tbname varchar,
proc_exec_counter numeric,
range_interval numeric,
num_ranges numeric,
max_rec_id_at_end_of_iteration numeric


This solution helps identify invalid JSON records stored in CLOB columns when migrating from an Oracle database to an Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or RDS for PostgreSQL database. However, the procedure used here primarily focuses on copying data from a staging table to a target table based on a primary key. Keep in mind the following limitations:

This procedure can’t handle changes (updates and deletes) in JSON stored CLOB columns during CDC. Alternatively, ensure your application keeps validating real-time JSON data through your application until successful cutover.
This procedure can’t handle correcting invalid JSON to valid JSON.
This solution is helpful only when there is a primary key on the table.

Set up AWS DMS

In these steps, we work with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, but the same solution works with Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. Complete the following steps to set up AWS DMS, create AWS DMS tasks for both source and target, create staging tables, run AWS DMS tasks, and migrate the JSON data:

Create an AWS DMS task with Oracle as the source endpoint and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition as the target endpoint with only the table list having JSON data in CLOB columns in the Oracle with all best practices.
Create table mapping during AWS DMS task creation, replacing the staging table’s TEXT columns with CLOB columns from Oracle.
From the preceding snippets of AWS DMS tasks, we have three source tables: SOURCE_TABLE_1, SOURCE_TABLE_2, and SOURCE_TABLE_3. For each table, we configure rules in AWS DMS to replicate to staging tables.
Start the AWS DMS task to migrate the data from on-premises Oracle JSON data in CLOB columns to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition JSON data in TEXT columns. For any issues with AWS DMS tasks, follow the AWS DMS troubleshooting guide.

Generate invalid JSON in the source database

In a real-time environment, the invalid JSON data is received through an application. For this post, we simulate the invalid JSON records using the following queries on the source Oracle database:

Sample 1 – Insert valid JSON records for columns json_column1 and json_column2:

INSERT INTO SOURCE_TABLE_1 (column1, column2, json_column1, json_column2)
(1, ‘Value2’, ‘{“key1”: “value1”, “key2”: “value2”}’, ‘{“key3”: “value3”, “key4”: “value4”}’),
(3, ‘Value4’, ‘{“key5”: “value5”, “key6”: “value6”}’, ‘{“key7”: “value7”, “key8”: “value8”}’),
(5, ‘Value6’, ‘{“key9”: “value9”, “key10”: “value10”}’, ‘{“key11”: “value11”, “key12”: “value12”}’)

Sample 2 – Insert invalid JSON records for columns json_column1 and json_column2:

INSERT INTO SOURCE_TABLE_1 (column1, column2, json_column1, json_column2)
(1, ‘value2’, ‘{invalid_json}’, ‘{invalid_json”: “value”}’),
(3, ‘value4’, ‘{invalid_json}’, ‘{invalid_json”: “value”}’),
(5, ‘value6’, ‘{invalid_json}’, ‘{invalid_json”: “value”}’);

Sample 3 – Insert valid and invalid JSON records for columns json_column1 and json_column2:

INSERT INTO SOURCE_TABLE_1 (column1, column2, json_column1, json_column2)
(1, ‘Value2’, ‘{“key1”: “value1”, “key2”: “value2”}’, ‘{“key1”: “value1”, “key2”: “value2”}’),
(3, ‘Value4’, ‘{“key1”: “value1”, “key2”: “value2”}’, ‘Invalid JSON Data’),
(5, ‘Value6’, ‘Invalid JSON Data’, ‘{“key1”: “value1”, “key2”: “value2”}’),
(7, ‘Value8’, ‘Invalid JSON Data’, ‘Invalid JSON Data’);

Create a PL/pgPSQL procedure to capture invalid JSON records

The following procedure json_validation_proc helps show how the data is copied from the staging table to the target table in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and logs the invalid or skipped JSON records in a separate table so that the application admin or database administrator can validate and fix the data:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE json_validation_proc(
source_table_name text,
target_table_name text,
range_interval numeric,
json_columns text [],
primary_key_column text,
load_type text,
force boolean DEFAULT false
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
non_json_columns text;
json_columns_str text;
range_start numeric := 1;
range_end numeric;
range_offset_left numeric;
row_count numeric;
insert_query text;
column_casts text[];
temp_pk_record RECORD;
proc_exec_counter numeric;
pre_exec_max_pk_id numeric;
offset_value numeric;
target_table_row_check numeric;
IF load_type = ‘il’ THEN
— Create discard_record_log & exec_history_offset tables if it does not exist
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discard_record_log (
tbname text,
range_start numeric,
range_end numeric,
failure_message text,
discard_rec_id_pk_val numeric,
proc_exec_counter numeric
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS exec_history_offset (
tbname text,
proc_exec_counter numeric,
range_interval numeric,
num_ranges numeric,
max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter numeric
ELSIF load_type = ‘di’ THEN
RAISE NOTICE ‘You have chosen another iteration to cover delta inserts after your previous initial/delta inserts loads’;
RAISE EXCEPTION ‘Invalid load type: %’, load_type;

— Generate Select Query to Get the maximum proc_exec_counter from exec_history_offset table
EXECUTE ‘SELECT COALESCE(MAX(proc_exec_counter), 0) FROM exec_history_offset WHERE tbname = $1’ INTO proc_exec_counter USING source_table_name;

— Increment the proc_exec_counter for the current execution
proc_exec_counter := proc_exec_counter + 1;

— Get the max PK value of given Input Source Table for every procedure execution.
IF proc_exec_counter > 1 THEN
EXECUTE ‘SELECT max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter FROM exec_history_offset WHERE proc_exec_counter = (SELECT max(proc_exec_counter) FROM exec_history_offset WHERE tbname = $1) and tbname = $2’ INTO pre_exec_max_pk_id USING source_table_name, source_table_name;
pre_exec_max_pk_id := 0;
— Check target table row count, if initial load is failed for first time, it will not make entry into proc_exec_counter, so this ensure to delete existing row which were inserted from unsuccessful initial run
EXECUTE format(‘SELECT COUNT(1) FROM %I’, target_table_name) INTO target_table_row_check;

IF load_type = ‘il’ THEN
IF proc_exec_counter > 1 OR (proc_exec_counter = 1 AND target_table_row_check > 1) THEN
IF force = true THEN
–Initial Load Requested with Force option so deleting all data for this data that got populated from previous executions
EXECUTE format(‘DELETE FROM %I’, target_table_name);
EXECUTE ‘DELETE FROM discard_record_log WHERE tbname = $1’ USING source_table_name;
EXECUTE ‘DELETE FROM exec_history_offset WHERE tbname = $1’ USING source_table_name;
pre_exec_max_pk_id := 0;
proc_exec_counter := 1;
IF proc_exec_counter > 1 THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION ‘You have chosen initial load, however initial load had happen earlier until pk value %s, please validate and use FORCE option as true. If you are executing initial load by mistake, please run delta inserts’, pre_exec_max_pk_id;
RAISE EXCEPTION ‘You have chosen initial load, however it seems your previous initial load was failed and few records were already loaded onto target, until initial load finished the marker cannot be set for delta inserts, you must use FORCE option as true’;
ELSIF load_type = ‘di’ THEN
IF proc_exec_counter = 1 AND target_table_row_check > 1 THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION ‘You have chosen delta inserts load, however it seems your previous initial load was failed and few records were already loaded onto target, until initial load finished the marker cannot be set for delta inserts, you must use FORCE option as true’;
ELSIF proc_exec_counter = 1 THEN
RAISE NOTICE ‘You have chosen delta inserts load, however you have not run INITIAL LOAD, so this will be considered as initial load’;

— Generate the SELECT query for column names for the target table excluding the JSON columns
EXECUTE ‘SELECT string_agg(column_name, ”, ”) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = $1 AND column_name NOT IN (SELECT unnest($2::text[]))’ INTO non_json_columns USING target_table_name, json_columns;

— Generate the comma-separated string of JSON column names
json_columns_str := array_to_string(json_columns, ‘, ‘);

–Select query for cast expressions for each JSON column
SELECT array_agg(format(‘cast(%I as json)’, column_name)) INTO column_casts FROM unnest(json_columns) AS column_name;

RAISE NOTICE ‘Copying data from source table % to target table %’, source_table_name, target_table_name;
EXECUTE format(‘SELECT COUNT(1) FROM %I WHERE %I > $1’, source_table_name, primary_key_column) INTO row_count USING pre_exec_max_pk_id;

— Calculate the number of ranges based on the row count and range interval
num_ranges INTEGER := CEIL(row_count / range_interval);
IF num_ranges > 0 THEN
— Iterate over each range
FOR range_num IN 1..num_ranges
— Calculate the range_end for the current range
range_end := LEAST(range_start + range_interval – 1, row_count);
range_offset_left := range_interval;
— Create a temporary table to store primary key values within the range
EXECUTE format(‘CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_pk_table (id) ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT %I FROM %I WHERE %I > $1 ORDER BY %I LIMIT %s OFFSET %s’, primary_key_column, source_table_name, primary_key_column, primary_key_column, range_interval, range_start – 1) USING pre_exec_max_pk_id;
WHEN others THEN
–Temporary Table Creation Failed so Deleting Older Records from previous ranges with respect to this execution only.
EXECUTE format(‘DELETE FROM %I WHERE %I > $1’, target_table_name, primary_key_column) USING pre_exec_max_pk_id;
EXECUTE ‘DELETE FROM discard_record_log WHERE tbname = $1 and proc_exec_counter = $2’ USING source_table_name, proc_exec_counter;
— Loop through each record in the temporary table
FOR temp_pk_record IN SELECT id FROM temp_pk_table
— Generate the INSERT query with cast applied to JSON columns
insert_query := format(‘INSERT INTO %I (%s, %s) SELECT %s, %s FROM %I WHERE %s = %s’, target_table_name, non_json_columns, json_columns_str, non_json_columns, array_to_string(column_casts, ‘, ‘), source_table_name, primary_key_column,;

— Execute the INSERT query with exception handling
range_offset_left := range_offset_left – 1;
EXECUTE insert_query;
WHEN others THEN
— Log the failed record into discard_record_log table
EXECUTE ‘INSERT INTO discard_record_log (tbname, range_start, range_end, failure_message, discard_rec_id_pk_val, proc_exec_counter) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)’ USING source_table_name, range_start, range_end, SQLERRM,, proc_exec_counter;

— Increment the range_start for the next range
range_start := range_start + range_interval;

— Commit after processing each range to see the records in the log table and target table

— Insert execution metadata into exec_history_offset table
EXECUTE ‘INSERT INTO exec_history_offset (tbname, proc_exec_counter, range_interval, num_ranges, max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)’ USING source_table_name, proc_exec_counter, range_interval, num_ranges,;

This json_validation_proc procedure performs a data transfer from a staging table to a target table. While doing the transfer, it also finds invalid JSON records by isolating them using its primary key and logs entry into the discard_record_log table. This procedure tracks progress, manages data ranges, and handles transfer failure issues that come up during the transfer methods of initial load and delta inserts.

Details of the PL/pgSQL procedure

The PL/pgSQL procedure mentioned the previous section takes several input parameters:

source_table_name – The name of the source table
target_table_name – The name of the target table
range_interval – The number of rows to process at a time
json_columns – An array of JSON column names
primary_key_column – The name of the primary key column
load_type – The type of data load (il for initial load or di for delta inserts) and an optional force parameter

Depending on the load_type provided, the procedure performs different actions:

If the load_type is il (initial load), it creates or checks the existence of two tables: discard_record_log and exec_history_offset. These tables are used for tracking discarded records and maintaining run history offsets.
If the load_type is di (delta inserts), it assumes that a previous initial or delta load has already occurred and proceeds accordingly.
The procedure retrieves the maximum proc_exec_counter from the exec_history_offset table for the specified source_table_name and increments it for the current run. This counter is used for tracking the run history.
If the proc_exec_counter is greater than 1, it retrieves the maximum primary key value (max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter) from the exec_history_offset table for the specified source_table_name. This value represents the maximum primary key value processed in the previous run.
If the load_type is il and proc_exec_counter is greater than 1, the procedure performs checks based on the force parameter. If force is true, it deletes all data from the target_table_name, discard_record_log, and exec_history_offset tables and resets the pre_exec_max_pk_id and proc_exec_counter variables. Otherwise, it raises an exception indicating that an initial load has already occurred.
The procedure generates the necessary queries to fetch column names and JSON column casts for the target table.
It calculates the number of ranges based on the row count of the source table and the specified range_interval.
For each range, the procedure creates a temporary table (temp_pk_table) to store the primary key values within the range.
It loops through each record in the temp_pk_table and generates an INSERT command to copy the corresponding rows from the source table to the target table. The INSERT command includes cast expressions for the JSON columns.
If an INSERT command fails, the failed record is logged in the discard_record_log table.
After processing each range, the procedure commits the changes to see the records in the log table and target table.
Finally, the procedure inserts the run metadata (including tbname, proc_exec_counter, range_interval, num_ranges, and max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter) into the exec_history_offset table.
For the examples provided, each CALL statement invokes the copy_data_proc procedure with different input parameters, including different source table names, target table names, range intervals, JSON column names, primary key column names, and load types. The optional force parameter is also used in some cases.
Running this procedure at regular intervals using any scheduler like OS crontab/scheduler or PostgreSQL pg_cron extension until the scheduled cutover makes sure that the migration process moves forward smoothly with comprehensive visibility into the data quality.

Validate the JSON data using a PL/pgSQL procedure

Let’s dive into some examples to understand how it works.

Example 1

In this example, we initiate the data copying process by calling the copy_data_proc procedure. We specify the source table as staging_table and the destination table as target_table. The procedure is configured to process 100 rows at a time using the range_interval parameter. We select the columns json_column1 and json_column2 to be copied from the source table. The rows are ordered based on the id column, and the il option indicates ascending order. Additionally, the true parameter signifies that the target table should be truncated before copying the data.

See the following code:

CALL copy_data_proc(‘staging_table’, ‘target_table’, 100, ARRAY[‘json_column1’, ‘json_column2’], ‘id’, ‘il’, true);

| tbname | proc_exec_counter | range_interval | num_ranges | max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter |
| staging_table | 1 | 100 | [value] | NULL |

Example 2

In this example, we perform a similar data copy operation from staging_table1 to target_table1. However, we omit the truncation step by excluding the last parameter. This allows us to append the copied data to the existing records in the target table.

See the following code:

CALL copy_data_proc(‘staging_table1’, ‘target_table1’, 100, ARRAY[‘json_column1’, ‘json_column2’], ‘id’, ‘il’);

| tbname | proc_exec_counter | range_interval | num_ranges | max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter |
| staging_table | 1 | 100 | [value] | NULL |
| staging_table1 | 1 | 100 | [value] | NULL |

Example 3

In this example, we again copy data from staging_table2 to target_table2. However, we modify the sorting order by specifying di for descending order based on the id column. This makes sure that the data is copied in reverse order compared to the previous examples.

See the following code:

CALL copy_data_proc(‘staging_table2’, ‘target_table2’, 100, ARRAY[‘json_column1’, ‘json_column2’], ‘id’, ‘di’);

| tbname | proc_exec_counter | range_interval | num_ranges | max_rec_id_at_end_of_proc_exec_counter |
| staging_table | 1 | 100 | [value] | NULL |
| staging_table1 | 1 | 100 | [value] | NULL |
| staging_table2 | 1 | 100 | [value] | NULL |

Example 4

In this example, we initiate the data copying process by calling the copy_data_proc procedure. We specify the source table as staging_table and the destination table as target_table. The procedure is configured to process 100 rows at a time using the range_interval parameter. We select the columns json_column1 and json_column2 to be copied from the source table. The rows are ordered based on the id column, and the il option indicates ascending order. Consider a scenario where you have the data in the staging_table, which includes columns json_column1 and json_column2, which are expected to be valid JSON objects. However, data inconsistencies or unexpected values may cause some rows to contain invalid JSON objects, because these records keep replicating from the source Oracle database through AWS DMS tasks.

Here’s an example of how the system handles such cases and logs them in the discard_record_log table:

CALL copy_data_proc(‘staging_table’, ‘target_table’, 100, ARRAY[‘json_column1’, ‘json_column2’], ‘id’, ‘il’);

| tbname | range_start | range_end | failure_message | discard_rec_id_pk_val | proc_exec_counter |
| staging_table | 101 | 200 | ‘Invalid JSON in column’ | 12345 | 1 |

Suppose with the preceding batch an invalid JSON format is detected in one of the JSON columns. The procedure handles this situation as follows:

Details of the error, including the table name (staging_table), the range of records processed, a failure message, the discarded record’s primary key value, and the process run counter, are logged.
The invalid record gets discarded from the target_table, because target_table columns are of data type JSON or JSONB.
After processing the batch and logging the error, the procedure commits the changes to the tables.

The discard_record_log table is instrumental in tracking and auditing data integrity until cutover.

Clean up

With the solution mentioned in this post, we’ve successfully isolated invalid JSON records from the discard_record_log table. This process continues until the successful cutover. To clean up, we must remove AWS DMS resources, staging tables, and the PL/pgPSQL procedure from the target PostgreSQL along with its scheduled runs.


In this post, we showed how you can migrate JSON data from Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL. We tackled the challenges associated with migrating JSON data stored in Oracle’s CLOB data type columns and offered a solution using AWS DMS in tandem with a PL/pgSQL procedure.

The solution used AWS DMS to capture and replicate changes, which ensures a seamless migration process. The PL/pgSQL procedure was used to identify and isolate invalid JSON records, maintaining data integrity during the migration.

The architecture diagram provided a visual overview of the solution, illustrating the migration from Oracle CLOB data type columns to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL JSON or JSONB data type columns.

We showcased an effective approach to migrate JSON data while maintaining data quality and integrity. Organizations can achieve a seamless migration process by following the outlined steps. If you have any further questions, please leave a comment.

About the authors

Ramu Jagini is a distinguished Lead Database Consultant specializing in complex database migrations and scalable solutions within the secure AWS Cloud environment. With extensive experience and a focus on both heterogeneous and homogeneous migrations, he seamlessly transfers diverse database systems to AWS while prioritizing performance, reliability, and data security.

Sumana Yanamandra is a distinguished Lead Database Consultant with Amazon Web Services. She works with customers to build scalable, highly available, and secure solutions in the AWS Cloud. Her focus area is homogeneous and heterogeneous database migrations.

Shivam Rastogi is a distinguished Lead Database Consultant with a specialization in cloud-native database architectures with scalable solutions. He focuses on heterogeneous and homogeneous migrations for seamless transition to the AWS Cloud.

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