Containers. Serverless. CI/CD. For forward-looking developers, Google Cloud is practically synonymous with the latest trends in application development. With Google Cloud Next starting on October 11, here are a few must-watch developer sessions to add to your playlist:
1. BLD106What’s next for application developers
Start your foray into Google Cloud application development news here, where Tom De Leo, Director, Product Management, Platform Developer Tools, will take you through all the new application developer services and features that we are announcing at Next ‘22.
2. BLD201Building a serverless event-driven web app in under 10 mins
Led by Google Cloud Developer Advocate Prashanth Subrahmanyam, in this session we take a traditional monolithic use case, break it down into composable pieces, and build an end-to-end application using Google Cloud’s portfolio of serverless products.
3. BLD209What’s new in cloud-native CI/CD: speed, scale, security
Application development teams are increasingly embracing CI/CD. Join Google Cloud Product Manager David Jacobs and Software Engineer Edward Thiele to learn about new capabilities in Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, Artifact Analysis, and Google Cloud Deploy, and how they can help your teams deliver software to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
4. BLD300What’s new in Kubernetes: Run batch and high performance computing in GKE
Speaking of GKE, did you know that it’s emerged as a great place to deploy high performance computing workloads? Here, PGS Chief Enterprise Architect Louis Bailleul and Google Cloud Senior Product Manager Maciek Różacki share how PGS used GKE to replace its 260,000-core Cray supercomputers. The session will also go over recent feature launches in the data processing space for GKE and what’s coming up on the roadmap.
5. BLD2055 reasons why your Java apps are better on Google Cloud
Why should you run your Java workloads on Google Cloud? Simple: Java Cloud Client Libraries now support Native Image out of the box. In this session, Google Cloud Senior Product Manager Cameron Balahan and Developer Advocate Aaron Wanjala show you how to compile your Java applications ahead of time, so you can dramatically speed up your cold start times.
Build your developer playlist
To explore the full catalog of breakout sessions and labs designed for application developers, check out the entire Build track in the Catalog. And don’t forget to tune into the Developer Keynote presented live from the Next Innovators Hive from Sunnyvale on Tuesday October 11 from 10:00 – 11:00 PT – and again from Bengaluru, Munich, and Tokyo. See the Innovators Hive for local playtimes.
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