I’ll be honest.
I’ve been dreaming about Google Cloud Next. Not dreaming as in “wistfully anticipating” – dreaming as in “this is all my brain wants to think about, even while I’m asleep.”
It’s going to be incredible. It’s going to be global. One of a kind. Inclusive. Truly personalized. If you can’t tell, I’m excited.
Next ’22 is right around the corner now (October 11 – 13). Just 14 days until you can dive into the latest innovations, hear from Google experts, get inspired by what your peers are doing with technology, and try out a new skill in one of the lab sessions.
I’m thrilled to share a little more about what you can look forward to this year.
Introducing the catalog
The session catalog is live and ready for you to explore. It highlights each session, speaker, who the content is for and what you’ll learn. Here’s a preview:
Content track & who it’s for
What you’ll learn
One session you should check out
Application developers
How to to build, architect, deploy, and maintain applications on Google Cloud
Building a serverless event-driven web app in under 10 mins will take a use case, break it down into composable pieces, and build an end-to-end application using the Google Cloud serverless portfolio of products.
Data analysts & data scientists
How to model your data and optimize business insights, using the power of analytics, AI, and machine learning
What’s next for data analysts and data scientists will illuminate the “why” and “how” of operationalizing Data Analytics and AI, and let you in on the latest product innovations for BigQuery and Vertex AI.
Data engineers
All about tools for developing, deploying, and managing data-driven applications at scale to solve real world problems
What’s next for data engineers can help you understand how to navigate the pressure for increased agility by unifying your data across analytical and transactional systems. Plus, get the latest product innovations across Spanner, AlloyDB, Cloud SQL and BigQuery.
Enterprise architects & developers
How to make your cloud modernization easy with multicloud support, intuitive migration tools, and solutions for SAP & VMware
What’s next for enterprise architects and developers will reveal exciting new enhancements to the infrastructure portfolio, help you transform and optimize your infrastructure and spend, and share experiences from entertainment and AI industry leaders.
DevOps system administrators
How to leverage Google Cloud to test, monitor, and deploy code easily and quickly.
What’s next for DevOps, SysAdmins, and operators is your opportunity to hear the biggest announcements for the Ops space. Come learn about all the new services and features in store for you.
Security professionals
How to defend against emerging threats at modern scale and efficiency
Meeting your digital sovereignty requirements: best practices, resources, & peer insights offers tools, strategic partners, and stories from peers for the best ways to meet the evolving requirements for digital sovereignty, including data residency, access and operational controls, and survivability.
Business leaders & IT administrators
How to empower teams to connect, create and collaborate securely from anywhere, anytime
Boosting collaboration in the hybrid workplace covers tools to help employees deliver their best in the new norm of hybrid work. Keep your teams connected and collaborating whether they’re working from home, the office, or anywhere in between.
Executives & technology business leaders
How your peers have managed large transformative projects, programs, and assessments across technology domains
Transform digital experiences with Google AI powered search and recommendations will show you how you can increase conversions and reduce search abandonment with Google-quality search and recommendations on your digital properties.
Clocking over 140 sessions total across three days, the catalog has, shall we say, a lot to offer for everyone.
There is so much to learn. Fortunately, there’s a handy way to organize your favorite sessions: by building a playlist.
Making a playlist is your ticket to getting the best of Next. Playlists are also a big part of how we take a massive global event and make it personalized, just for you. Easily keep track of the stuff that matters to you and make the most out of your time.
My playlist
I’ll go first. I made a playlist called Changemakers in Cloud.
The “best” product with the coolest features means nothing if no one realized actual value from it. When a customer does something totally new, makes an impact on something big like climate change, or changes someone’s life for the better using one of our products, that’s what makes what we all do together worth it. Each session in my playlist features a customer speaker sharing how they’ve driven real change with purpose using Google Cloud.
You’re invited to browse the rest of the Google-curated playlists, too. Make sure to switch between the tabs above the playlist titles to see different categories.
Create Your Own
Your turn. After you register for Next ’22:
1. Find a session you want to attend and click the blue icon in the lower right corner of the session tile.
2. Click + Create new playlist.
3. Give it any name and description you like, then click Create.
Et voilà,you have just created a playlist.
4. When you find another session you want to add to it, click that blue icon in the session tile and then click on your playlist title. Repeat until you’ve saved everything you want to attend.
To see how the list is coming along, click the blue My Playlists button in the upper right corner of the Next website. You’ll have your plan laid out before you know it.
Don’t miss the moment
As one of the countless Googlers bursting with excitement and anticipation for the moment we are all working hard to bring to you this year – completely free for all. I hope you won’t miss the moment we are so excited to bring to you kicking off October 11.
Register for Next today and join us live to explore what’s new and what’s coming next in Google Cloud.
Can’t wait to see you there.
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